Earlier this year, Excentric attended the 2013 Ottawa Business Summit. We’re always eager to pick up any new tips on how we can bring greater value to our clients. There were so many great speakers at this year’s Summit, but one in particular had a message that I really want to share.
Content may NOT be king! Say what?
Scott Wilson, founder of, made a statement that might surprise some: In the world of SEO, content may NOT be king! According to Scott, recent search engine algorithm changes have made TRUST the top ranking factor.

Here are some of his suggestions to help you increase your TRUST ranking:
1. Associate real people with quality content
This could be as simple as including bios on your website, with links to LinkedIn profiles, Google+ or even v-cards. You could also include testimonials on your website; video testimonials linked to a popular YouTube channel will help boost your ranking.
2. Links
Generate links on your website to other relevant affiliates and associations, and reach out to them to see if they might reciprocate. Make sure the body copy of these links include the association names or URLs, rather than generic text—try not to use “click here” as the text in your link.
3. Keep content fresh
Even if your website isn’t covering the latest hot topics, you should still try to keep your content fresh. It shows that you’re trying to stay relevant. Add a blog or include a live social media feed to help keep your content current.
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